BrainFx is improving clinical care and accelerating neuroscience. Learn how here.

The Complete Course on the Neurofunctional Approach to Cognitive Care

A 4-6 hour online and self-paced course covering the current state of cognitive assessments, the areas of the gap that traditional assessments are missing, and how to use technology in practice to address the opportunity and promote better cognitive care.

Certified by BrainFx
Trusted by 1000s of providers delivering innovative, real-world based cognitive care
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What is Neurofunction?


Neurofunction is a comprehensive understanding of a person’s functional status as related to his/her neurological condition; whether healthy or dysfunctional. Neurofunction includes a person’s abilities (physical, cognitive, psychosocial), activity participation, as well as quality of life.

Enhance your practice through specialized training and education.


The Neurofunctional Approach is an innovative way of approaching cognitive care by taking into consideration the total situation: person, activity demands, and context.

In this course, you’ll learn:


The need for a new approach

Understand the challenges with current approaches and perspective on the need for better cognitive assessments, the importance of collecting information about neurofunction for the entire clinical care team and pathway, why Neurofunctional profiles are unique (and why thresholds can be problematic), and The Art of Clinical Interpretation.


Assessing the patient beyond their physical health & abilities

Including the Models of Neurofunction, what is accountable care and how it applies in practice, and the interactions between the cognitive, psychosocial, and physical person.


The Milner + Condello Model of Cognitive Skills

Built on the foundation of neurofunctional modeling, the 30 functional cognitive skills from foundational through complex and the application of the model in care planning and return to activity programs.


And more

Completely online and self-paced.

Get BrainFx certified today.



Still have questions? We have answers.

How much is the course?

The BrainFx training course is $395 stand-alone but is included in some of our other subscription packages as well. See our pricing page for more details.

How long will I have access to the course?

You will always have access to the BrainFx course and material if you paid for the course.

Our latest research

Working with the Mayo Clinic to understand Long-COVID

This study focuses on understanding the neurological impact of Long-COVID by developing a solution that assists clinicians and researches to better understand and address the impacts of this new and emerging phenomena.

Interested in working with us?

Get in touch with us below to learn more

Let's make the INVISIBLE effects of brain disorders VISIBLE, together.

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Copyright © 2022 - BrainFx. All rights reserved.

Important Information: BrainFx Assessments only provide information about neurofunctional performance. Assessment results detail the patient/client's performance on assessment activities completed and only assist the health care team in identifying potential areas of strength or challenge as related to function. Assessments DO NOT provide any diagnosis or treatment recommendations. BrainFx Assessments are only permitted to be delivered by trained clinicians. Assessment reports are not stand-alone and require the interpretation of a health professional within their scope of practice and in the context of all information that they have gathered about their patient/client. In Canada, BrainFx Assessments are cleared by Health Canada as a Class 1 Software as a Medical Device. BrainFx Assessments and the statements made on this website have not been evaluated by any other regulatory bodies. Assessments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by BrainFx is not a substitute for face-to-face consultation with your health care professional and should not be construed as individual medical advice.